Все ошибки Chrysler – расшифровка, самодиагностика и удаление

Как извлечь коды ошибок

Автомобили, выпущенные после 1996 года и более поздних годов выпуска оснащены системой OBD2 и требуют использования диагностического сканера для извлечения кодов неисправностей.

Считывание кодов ошибок

Доступ к считыванию кодов можно получить с помощью ключа зажигания или блока диагностического считывания (DRB).Чтобы получить коды с помощью ключа зажигания, включите стояночный тормоз и переведите автомобиль в положение Park/neutral.

На некоторых автомобилях 95-го года выпуска и более поздних, если они оборудованы цифровой приборной панелью, можно получить коды OBDII с помощью этой процедуры.

  • Поверните ключ зажигания в положение ON, OFF, ON, OFF и, наконец, снова ON (ENGINE NOT RUNNING).
  • Коды начнут мигать на индикаторе POWER LOSS или CHECK ENGINE.
  • ВСПЫШКА, пауза, ВСПЫШКА, ВСПЫШКА=код 12

Как удалить коды ошибок

Диагностические коды неисправностей могут быть удалены путем отсоединения кабеля питания аккумуляторной батареи не менее чем на 20 секунд.

Для удаления кодов неисправностей в автомобилях с системой OBD2 требуется диагностический сканер.

Коды ошибок самодиагностики (OBD1)

Для автомобилей 1984 — 1988 г. в.

Код ошибкиОписание
1Oxygen Sensor
2Crank Angle Sensor
3Air Flow Sensor
4Atmospheric Pressure Sensor
5Throttle Position Sensor
6Motor Position Switch
7Coolant Temperature Sensor
8No. 1 Cylinder TDC Sensor

Для автомобилей 1989 — 1995 г. в.

Код ошибкиОписание
11Oxygen Sensor
12Air Flow Sensor
13Intake Air Temperature Sensor
14Throttle Position Sensor
15ISC Motor Position Sensor
21ECT Sensor
22Crank Angle Sensor
23TDC Sensor
24Vehicle Speed Sensor
25Barometric Pressure Sensor
31Detonation Sensor
32MAP Sensor
36Ignition Timing Adjustment Signal
42Fuel Pump
44Ignition Coil
55Servo Valve Position Sensor{2}
59Heated Oxygen Sensor (Rear){2}
61Transaxle Control Module Wire

Для автомобилей 1995 — 1998 г. в.

Код ошибки
Код ошибки
Код ошибки
11Crank Sensor
13P1297MAP Sensor Fault
14P0107MAP Sensor Voltage Low
P0108MAP Sensor Voltage High
P1296No 5 Volts To MAP Sensor{2}
15P0500No Vehicle Speed Sensor Signal
16Knock Sensor No. 1 Circuit
17P0125Closed Loop Temperature Not Reached
21P0132Upstream O2 Sensor Shorted To Voltage
P0134Upstream O2 Sensor Stays At Center
P0135Upstream O2 Sensor Heater Failure
P0133Upstream O2 Sensor Slow Response
P0131Upstream O2 Sensor Voltage Shorted To Ground{2}
P0138Downstream O2 Sensor Shorted To Voltage
P0140Downstream O2 Sensor Stays On At Center{2}
P0141Downstream O2 Sensor Heater Failure
P0139Downstream O2 Sensor Slow Response
P0137Downstream O2 Sensor Voltage Shorted To Ground{2}
22P0117ECT Sensor Voltage Low
P0118ECT Sensor Voltage High
23P0112IAT Sensor Low
P0113IAT Sensor High
24P0122TP Sensor Voltage Low
P0123TP Sensor Voltage High
P0121TP Sensor Voltage Does Not Agree With MAP
P1295No 5 Volts To TP Sensor{2}
25P0505IAC Motor Circuits
27P0201Injector No. 1 Control Circuit
P0202Injector No. 2 Control Circuit
P0203Injector No. 3 Control Circuit
P0204Injector No. 4 Control Circuit
31P0443EVAP Solenoid Circuit
P0441EVAP Purge Flow Monitor Failure
32P0403EGR Solenoid Circuit
P0403EGR System Failure
33A/C Clutch Relay Circuit
34Speed Control Solenoid Circuit
35P1491Fan Control Relay Circuit{1}
P1489High Speed Fan Control Relay Circuit
P1490Low Speed Fan Control Relay Circuit
36P0412Air Switching Solenoid Circuit{3}
Too Little Or To Much Secondary Air{3}
37P1899PNP Switch Failure
P0740Torque Converter Clutch, No RPM Drop At Lockup{1}
P0743Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Circuit{1}
41Alternator Field Not Switching Properly
42Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit
42P0352Ignition Coil No. 2 Primary Circuit
43P0351Ignition Coil No. 1 Primary Circuit
43P0352Ignition Coil No. 2 Primary Circuit
44Battery Temperature Sensor Volts Out Of Limit
46Charging System Voltage Too High
47Charging System Voltage Too Low
51P0171Fuel System Lean
52P0172Fuel System Rich
53P0601Internal Controller Failure
54P0340No Cam Signal At PCM
62PCM Failure SRI Mile Not Stored
63PCM Failure EEPROM Write Denied
64P0422Catalytic Converter Efficiency Failure
65P0551Power Steering Switch Failure
P1391Brake Switch Circuit
66P1698No CCD Message From TCM
No CCD Message From Body Control Module{2}
71P14965 Volt Supply Output Too Low
77Speed Control Power Circuit
11P032028No Crankshaft Reference Signal At PCM
P0335No Crankshaft Reference Signal At PCM
P139085Timing Belt Skipped Tooth
P13919DNo Crank Reference Signal/Intermittent Loss Of CMP Or CKP
P1398BAMisfire Adaptive Numerator At Limit
12Battery Disconnected
13P129727No Change In MAP From Start To Run
14P010724MAP Sensor Voltage Too Low
P010825MAP Sensor Voltage Too High
P129687No 5 Volts To MAP Sensor
P1496925 Volt Supply Output Too Low
15P050023No VSS Signal
16P03253BKnock Sensor No. 1 Circuit
53Knock Sensor No. 2 Circuit
17P128121Engine Cold Too Long
P012580Closed Loop Temperature Not Reached
21P01319BUpstream O2S Shorted To Ground
P01323EUpstream O2S Shorted To Power
P013366, COUpstream O2S Slow Response
P013420O2S Stays At Center
P013567Upstream O2S Heater Failure
P01379CDownstream O2S Shorted To Ground
P01387EDownstream O2S Shorted To Power
P0139Downstream O2S Stays At Center
P014081Downstream O2S Stays At Center
P014169Downstream O2S Heater Failure
P0151B5Front Bank Upstream HO2S Shorted To Ground
P015242Front Bank Upstream HO2S Shorted To Voltage
P01537A, C1Front Bank Upstream HO2S Slow Response
P015441Front Bank Upstream HO2S Stays At Center
P01557CFront Bank Upstream HO2S Heater Failure
P0157B6Front Bank Downstream HO2S Shorted To Ground
P01587FFront Bank Downstream HO2S Shorted To Voltage
P016082Front Bank Downstream HO2S Stays At Center
P01617DFront Bank Downstream HO2S Heater Failure
P01757CRH Bank Upstream HO2S Heater Failure
22P01171EECT Sensor Voltage Too Low
P01181FECT Sensor Voltage Too High
23P011239IAT Sensor Voltage Low
P01133AIAT Sensor Voltage High
24P012184TP Sensor Signal Does Not Agree With MAP
P01221ATP Sensor Voltage Low
P01231BTP Sensor Voltage High
P129588No 5 Volts To TP Sensor
25P050519IAC Motor Circuits
P12948ATarget Idle Not Reached (+/-200 RPM)
P129991Vacuum Leak Found (IAC Fully Seated)
27P0201–P020615, 14, 13, 3D, 45 & 46Injector Circuit No. 1–6
P020880Closed Loop Temperature Not Reached
31P044171EVAP Purge Flow Monitor Failure, Improper Purge Flow
P0442A0EVAP Monitor Small Leak
P044312EVAP Purge Solenoid Circuit
P0455A1EVAP Monitor Large Leak
P1486BBEVAP Monitor Pinched Hose
P1494B8EVAP Emission Vent Solenoid Switch Or Mechanical Fault
P1495B7EVAP Emission Vent Or Leak Detection Pump Solenoid Circuit
P1498C5High Speed Radiator Fan Ground Control Relay Circuit
32P04012EEGR System Failure
P040311EGR Solenoid Circuit
33P064510A/C Clutch Relay & Sensor Circuit
34P15950FSpeed Control Vacuum Or Vent Solenoid Circuit
P159656Speed Control Switch Always High
P159757Speed Control Switch Always Low
35P14878BHigh Speed Radiator Fan Control Relay Circuit
P14895DHigh Speed Condenser Fan Control Relay Circuit
P14905CLow Speed Fan Control Relay Circuit
P14910ECooling Fan Relay Circuit
37P074094TCC No RPM Drop At Lockup
P07430CTCC Solenoid Circuits
P189972PNP Or Transaxle Switch Failure
41P06220BAlternator Field Improper Switching
42P022065Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit
P13892CNo MFI (ASD) Relay Output Voltage At PCM
P13880AMFI (ASD) Relay Control Circuit
P046295Fuel Level Sending Unit Voltage Out Of Limits, Too Low
P046396Fuel Level Sending Unit Voltage Out Of Limits, Too High
P046097Fuel Level Sending Unit & Circuit, No Change Over Miles
43P03006AMultiple Cylinder Misfire
P0301–P03046B, C, D & EMisfire Cylinder No. 1–4
P0305AEMisfire Cylinder No. 5
P0306AFMisfire Cylinder No. 6
P03512BIgnition Coil No. 1 Primary Circuit
P03522AIgnition Coil No. 2 Primary Circuit
P035329Ignition Coil No. 3 Primary Circuit
44P147847Battery Temperature Voltage Or Internal Temperature Sensor Input Voltage Out Of Limits
P14929AAmbient/Battery Temperature Sensor Voltage High
P149399Ambient/Battery Temperature Sensor Voltage Low
45P070089EATX Controller DTC Present
46P159406Charging System Voltage Too High
47P168205Charging System Voltage Too Low
51P017177Rear Bank Fuel System Lean/Rich
P017479Front Bank Fuel System Lean/Rich
52P017276Rear Bank Fuel System Lean/Rich
P017578Front Bank Fuel System Lean/Rich
53P060044PCM Internal Fault Condition
P060102Internal Controller Failure
P0605Internal Controller Failure
54P034001No Cam Signal At PCM
55MIL Fault Display Complete
61P01063CBARO Out Of Range
62P169730PCM Failure SRI Mile Not Stored
63P169631PCM Failure EEPROM Write Denied
64P042070Catalyst Efficiency Below Required Level
P042270Catalytic Converter Efficiency Failure
65P055173PS Pressure Switch Failure Or Performance
P070398Brake Switch Performance Circuit
P128958Manifold Tune Valve Control Circuit
66P169561No CCD Bus Messages From Body Controller Or BCM
P169860No CCD Messages From Body Or TCM
71P1496925 Volts Output From Regulator Low
72P042070Catalyst Efficiency Below Required Level
P0432BAFront Bank Catalytic Converter Efficiency Failure
P0432B4Catalytic Converter 2/1 Efficiency Failure
77P168352S/C Power Relay Circuit
P03544CIgnition Coil No. 4 Circuit
P03554DIgnition Coil No. 5 Circuit
P0356D8Ignition Coil No. 6 Circuit
P0404D7EGR Position Sensor Performance
P0405D4EGR Position Sensor Voltage Low
P0406D5EGR Position Sensor Voltage High
P1195COCat Mon Slow O2 RH Upstream
P1196C1Cat Mon Slow O2 LH Upstream
P128265Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit
P1288D9Short Run Valve Tuning Circuit
P15985AA/C Pressure Sensor Voltage Too High
P15995BA/C Pressure Sensor Voltage Too Low
P1685E8ECM Received Invalid SKIM Key
P1686E2No SKIM Bus Message At PCI
P1687E1No MIC Bus Message At PCI

Коды ошибок (OBD2)

Коды ошибок производителя Chrysler

Код ошибкиОписание
P0171Fuel trim (FT) system too lean, bank 1
P0300Random/multiple cylinder(s) -misfire detected
P0301Cylinder 1 misfire detected
P0340Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 1 circuit malfunction
P0420Catalytic converter system, bank 1 -efficiency below threshold
P0700Transaxle Control System Malfunction
P1001Ignition Key Off Timer Performance Too Fast
P1002Ignition Key Off Timer Performance Too Slow
P1004Intake manifold air control valve (short runner) -performance
P1005Intake manifold air valve control -performance
P1011Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure Too Low
P1012Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure Too High
P1101Airbag Control Module Signal Received
P1102Viscous/Cabin Heater Relay Circuit Condition
P1105tables Barometric pressure (BARO) read solenoid -circuit malfunction
P1106Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure actuator range/performance problem
P1107BARO Solenoid Performance
P1110Decreased Engine Performance Condition High IAT Temperature
P1112Intake Air Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent Low Voltage
P1115Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor/ intake air temperature (IAT) sensor/outside air temperature sensor -signal variation
P1128Closed loop fuel control not achieved -bank 1
P1129Closed loop fuel control not achieved -bank 2
P1131Glow Plug Control Module Internal Fault-Voltage Supply Concern
P1135Glow Plug Control Module Voltage Supply Concern
P1140Vacuum Reservoir Solenoid Circuit Condition
P1142Fuel Pressure Solenoid Circuit Condition
P1143Fuel Rail Pressure Malfunction Positive Pressure Deviation
P1144Fuel Rail Pressure Malfunction Positive Volume Deviation
P1148Fuel Rail Pressure Malfunction Pressure Drop In Over-run
P1151Fuel Rail Pressure Malfunction Maximum Positive Deviation
P1152Fuel Rail Pressure Malfunction Positive Deviation Fuel Pressure Solenoid Setpoint
P1153Fuel Rail Pressure Malfunction Negative Deviation Fuel Pressure Solenoid Setpoint
P1154Fuel Rail Pressure Malfunction Rail Pressure Is Too Low
P1155Fuel Rail Pressure Malfunction Rail Pressure Is Too High
P1156Fuel Rail Pressure Malfunction Plausibility
P1159Improper Start Attempt
P1160Ignition Voltage
P1167Capacitor Voltage 1
P1169ECM A/D Converter Error
P1180Decreased Engine Performance Condition High Fuel Temperature Condition
P1187Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensorrange/performance problem
P1188Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensorrange/performance problem
P1189Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensor-voltage low
P1190Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensorvoltage high
P1192Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor -voltage low
P1193Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor -voltage high
P1195Heated oxygen sensor (H02S) 1, bank 1 slow response
P1196Heated oxygen sensor (H02S) 2, bank 1 slow response
P1197Heated oxygen sensor (H02S) 2, bank 1 slow response
P1198Radiator Temp Sensor Input Too High
P1199Radiator Temp Sensor Input Too Low
P1222Pedal Position Sensor 1 CKT Plausibility
P1234Pedal Position Sensor 2 CKT Plausibility
P1239Engine oil temperature (EOT) -temperature too low
P1250Vacuum Reservoir Solenoid Open Circuit
P1251Vacuum Reservoir Solenoid Short To Ground
P1252Vacuum Reservoir Solenoid Short Circuit
P1272AlC compressor clutch control circuit 2 voltagelow
P1273AlC compressor clutch control circuit 2 voltage high
P1274AlC compressor clutch control circuit 2 -open circuit
P1275NC compressor clutch control circuit 2 -circuit malfunction
P1277Starter motor control circuit -voltage low
P1278Starter motor control circuit -voltage high
P1279Starter motor control circuit -open circuit
P127AStarter motor control circuit -circuit malfunction
P127CFuel pump control circuit -voltage low
P127DFuel pump control circuit -voltage high
P127EFuel pump control circuit -open circuit
P127FFuel pump control circuit -circuit malfunction
P1281Engine temperature -low for long period
P1282Fuel pump relay
P1283Idle Select Signal Invalid Condition
P1284Fuel Injection Pump Battery Voltage Out Of Range Condition
P1285Fuel Injection Pump Controller Always On
P1286Accelerator Position Sensor Supply Voltage Too High
P1287Fuel Injection Pump Controller Supply Voltage Low Condition
P1288Intake manifold air control solenoid (short runner)
P1289Intake manifold air control solenoid
P1290Compressed natural gas pressure sensorpressure high
P1291No Temp. Rise Seen From Intake Heaters Conditions
P1292Compressed natural gas pressure sensor voltagehigh
P1293Compressed natural gas pressure sensor voltage low
P1294Idle speed control (ISC) system -rpm lower/ higher than expected
P1295Throttle position (TP) sensor -supply voltage
P1296Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor supply voltage
P1297Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor
P1298System too lean -at prolonged wide open throttle
P1299Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/throttle position (TP) sensor
P1300Ignition Timing Adjustment Circuit Conditions
P1386Engine control module (ECM), knock control -defective
P1388Engine control relay
P1389Engine control relay
P1390Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor/camshaftposition (CMP) sensor -signal synchronisation
P1391Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor/camshaft position (CMP) sensor -intermittent signal
P1398Engine control module (ECM) -misfire detection limit reached
P1399Wait To Start Lamp Circuit Condition
P1400Manifold differential pressure (MOP) sensor,EGR system -circuit malfunction
P1403Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve position sensor no 5 volt supply
P1404Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve position sensor malfunction
P1411Cylinder cut-out solenoid 1 -malfunction
P1414Cylinder cut-out solenoid 4 -malfunction
P1416Cylinder cut-out solenoid 6 -malfunction
P1417Cylinder cut-out solenoid 7 -malfunction
P1462Fuel Level Output Circuit Low
P1463Fuel Level Output Circuit High
P1476Too Little Secondary Air Injection Conditions
P1477Too Much Secondary Air Injection Conditions
P1478Battery temperature sensor
P1479Transmission cooling fan relay -circuit malfunction
P1480PCV Solenoid Circuit Condition
P1481EATX RPM Pulse Performance Condition
P1485Air Injection Solenoid Condition
P1486Evaporative emission (EVAP) system -blockage detected
P1487Engine coolant blower motor relay -high speed -circuit malfunction
P1488Engine control module (ECM) -auxiliary 5 voltoutput low
P1489Engine coolant blower motor relay
P1490Engine coolant blower motor relay
P1491Engine coolant blower motor relay -circuitmalfunction
P1492Ambient/battery temperature sensor -high input
P1493Ambient/battery temperature sensor -voltage low
P1494Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump -pressure switch
P1495Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump solenoid
P1496Engine control module (ECM) -5 volt output low
P1498High Speed Radiator Relay Ground Control Conditions
P1499Hydraulic Cooling Fan Solenoid Circuit Condition
P1500Alternator -circuit malfunction
P1501Vehicle over-speed condition -rear axle speed greater than front axle
P1502Vehicle over-speed condition -front axle speed greater than rear axle
P1505Vehicle Speed Output Circuit High
P1508Ambient/Battery Temperature Sensor Volts Too Low
P150DCold start emission control -irregular idle speed
P1513Starter request circuit -switch stuck
P1519Cruise Control Front Distance Sensor Lens Cracked Missing
P1521Engine oil sensor module -malfunction
P1524Oil Pressure Out Of Range Camshaft Advance / Retard Disable
P1572Brake pedal position (BPP) switch -circuit malfunction
P1573Brake pedal position (BPP) switch -circuit malfunction
P1593Cruise control system, multi-function input circuit stuck
P1594Alternator -voltage high
P1595Cruise control
P1596Cruise control master switch -high voltage
P1597Cruise control master switch -low voltage
P1598AlC refrigerant pressure sensor -high input
P1599AlC refrigerant pressure sensor -low input
P1600CAN data bus, rough road signal -signal error
P1602Engine control module (ECM) not programmed
P1603Engine control module (ECM) -RAM link error
P1604Engine control module (ECM) -RAM read/write error
P1607Engine control module (ECM) -shut down timer error
P1610Immobilizer control module -circuit malfunction
P1612Throttle position (TP) control module malfunction
P1618Engine control module (ECM) -primary 5 volt output erratic
P1628Engine control module (ECM) -auxiliary 5 voltoutput erratic
P1631TCM Internal Processor Clock Performance
P1639TCM Internal CAN 2 RAM Performance
P1652CAN data bus -short circuit to ground
P1653CAN data bus -short circuit to ground
P1680Clutch pedal position (CPP) switch -circuit malfunction
P1681CAN data bus, instrumentation -no signal
P1682Alternator -voltage low
P1683Cruise control
P1684Engine control module (ECM) -supply voltage disconnected within last 50 ignition switch ON-OFF cycles
P1685Key not programmed into immobilizer controlmodule
P1686CAN data bus, imobilizer control module no signal
P1687CAN data bus, instrumentation -no signal
P1688Internal Fuel Injection Pump Controller Failure
P1689No Communication Between ECM and Injection Pump Module Data
P1690Fuel Injection Pump CKP Sensor Does Not Agree With ECM CKP Sensor
P1691Fuel Injection Pump Controller Calibration Error
P1694CAN data bus, ECM -no signal
P1695CAN data bus, body control module (BCM) no signal
P1696Engine control module (ECM) -EEPROM error
P1697Engine control module (ECM) -EEPROM error
P1698CAN data bus, TCM -no signal
P1745Line Pressure Too High For Too Long
P1751Transmission system relay -circuit malfunction
P1753Transmission Throttle Valve Mechanical Performance
P1755Intermediate Speed Sensor Mmalfunction
P1756Governor Press, over 3 PSI in gear (0 MPH) Conditions
P1757Governor Press. Not at Target at 15-20 PSI Conditions
P1762Governor Press. Sensor Too Low or High Conditions
P1763Governor Pressure Sensor Too High Conditions
P1764Governor Pressure Sensor Too Low Conditions
P1765Transmission system relay
P1775Solenoid switch valve locked in TCC (torqueconverter clutch) position
P1776Solenoid switch valve locked in UR (low/reverse) position
P1781Over Drive Pressure Switch Sense Circuit
P17822/4-OD Pressure Switch Circuit
P1787OD Hydraulic Pressure Test Failure
P1790Fault immediately after shift
P1793Torque reduction communication error
P1794Transmission speed sensor -ground circuit
P1795Throttle position (TP) sensor -circuit malfunction
P1797Manual shift overheat ,
P1854Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/ turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensorrange/performance problem
P1861Fuel ,level -variation between tank levels
P1897Engine control module (ECM) -communication malfunction
P1899Park/neutral position (PNP) switch -input circuit malfunction
P3400Cylinder cut-out system, bank 1 -malfunction
P3401Cylinder cut-out solenoid 1 -circuit malfunction
P3402Cylinder cut-out solenoid 1 -malfunction
P3425Cylinder cut-out solenoid 4 -circuit malfunction
P3426Cylinder cut-out solenoid 4 -malfunction
P3441Cylinder cut-out solenoid 6 -circuit malfunction
P3442Cylinder cut-out solenoid 6 -malfunction
P3449Cylinder cut-out solenoid 7 -circuit malfunction
P3450Cylinder cut-out solenoid 7 -malfunction
P3497Cylinder cut-out system, bank 2 malfunction
U110ASteering column function control module, serialcommunication -circuit malfunction
U110CFuel level, serial communication -circuit malfunction
U110EOutside air temperature, serial communication -circuit malfunction
U110FFuel volume, serial communication -circuit malfunction
U1110Vehicle speed, serial communication -circuit malfunction
U1113Ale pressure, serial communication -circuit malfunction
U1120Wheel distance traveled, serial communication -circuit malfunction
U1403Fuel level, serial communication -implausible signal
U1411Fuel volume, serial communication -implausiblesignal
U1412Vehicle speed, serial communication -implausible signal
U1413Odometer mileage, serial communication -implausible signal
U1417LH front wheel, distance traveled -implausible signal
U1418RH front wheel, distance traveled implausible signal

Общие коды ошибок


Ошибки Chrysler совместимы со следующими моделями

200, 300C, 300M, Cirrus, Concorde, Crossfire, Grand Voyager, Imperial, Intrepid, Le Baron, LHS, Neon, New Yorker, Pacifica, Prowler, PT Cruiser, Saratoga, Sebring, Stratus, Town and Country, Vision, Voyager, Ypsilon.

( Пока оценок нет )
Диагностика 72